Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bold and Sassy

A little while ago I was sitting at the table with my husband having lunch after church and some how the subject came up of how he would describe me. When I asked the question he said without hesitation, "Bold and Sassy!" I replied, "really?" he then said, "yep. Asked my mom there is a story that goes along with the way I like my women." So then I called his mother and asked her, " how does Ethan like his women?" She then replied, "my baby likes his women bold and sassy that is why we were not surprised at all when he said he wanted to marry you Sarah dear because you are definitely bold and sassy." She then proceeded to tell me the story of when Ethan was 3 and why he likes his women bold and sassy. Of all the things that could be said to describe me and he said, "bold and sassy." I LOVE it! I am my mothers daughter and I get it from her. I would take bold and sassy any day!


Meagan said...

That is so are his dream girl!!!

I wanna be bold and sassy too!!

brandilyn said...

that's adorable, sarah :) he loves you!! and you ARE bold and sassy. go you!

Meredith said...

You are so bold and sassy and that is why you are my hero and also I know you get it from me!!!Ha!