Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The home stretch

Sooo I don't really want to talk about the bet..... lets just say it hasn't been going so well. I am swamped with school. Yesterday I wrote a three page paper, a five page paper, and two two page papers not to mention all of my accounting. I have a thirty page feasibility study due on Friday and then finales next week and then I am done. If I can do well on my finales I am anticipating getting a good GPA which I am very happy about. I got a lot of flack for going to beauty school and numerous people told me not to do it because I wouldn't go back to college. Well I did go back and I just might get good grades on top of it.

Oh and the sun has finally decided to show its face in Utah and I couldn't be more happy. I walked outside for a total of 15 minutes today between classes and studying and I am PINK! Do you have any idea how white you have to be to get pink from 15 minute of intermittent sunshine? It was at the very moment that I realized how white I was that I thought about jumping in my car and heading to California where the sunshine all year long. I miss the sun and am sooooo looking forward for summer.

Ethan and I are both taking off some time from work in May. I will be putting in 50+ hours at work starting in June because 2 of the girls I work with will be on maternity leave so we decided that we should spend some time together in May while me had the chance. The only question is what to do? We thought about taking the boat and going to Powell with our dog for half the week and the other going up to Idaho to see friends. I really want to go to Cali but Ethan is not so sure. Any suggestions?


KeNzIE said...

YES montana!!!!! I'm serious we have plenty of room and we'd all have so much fun! thats my vote!

Ruby said...